Facilitates the mobility and open-mindedness of students. For families living in France or coming from a school within the AEFE network: • Evidence of the student’s citizenship (copy of identity card or passport), • A copy of the family booklet (marriage and child), • a diploma from the previous school • A copy of the grades for the current year, as well as the 3rd term of the previous year,AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. K1 - G8 Fully Authorized International Baccalaureate World School. Research shows these new vaccines are remarkably effective and safe. The CIF membership is part of a comprehensive plan to develop various aspects of physical education and athletics, including a climbing wall project for its Ortega campus, a sports curriculum project with a wide range of activities for its primary campuses, the opening of a dedicated athletic track for our High School students and ultimately. "The 30 years of the AEFE network: Unity and diversity, the challenge of a humanistic education?" On Friday, January 10th, 20 students debated on the following two topics:The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is an institution supervised by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It is responsible for monitoring and managing the network of French schools abroad. Why you should choose the AEFE network and the Lycée Français Louis Pasteur (LFLP)? French schools around the world grow the values of excellence, sharing and influence. It offers many opportunities in the fields of Economics, humanities. Artist in residence Program : Call for Entries. The AEFE has 543 schools in 138 countries, with over 375,000 students, 40% of whom are French and 60% of whom are of other nationalities. While it will naturally focus on everyone’s safety, we are dedicated to making this. Elementary School. Our class size is limited to 20 students per class to ensure a more personalised teaching approach. For a few years now, the LFSF, Lycée Français in San Francisco, has identified DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice) as a focus for the international school to work on, one that is important to students, parents and staff alike. A school of the AEFE network. Although LFSF is the first choice of many French and francophone parents in the Bay Area, it also attracts diverse and internationally minded families who want to give their child the gift of bilingualism. As in all of the 470. It is also a great event for elementary and middle school students to meet and endorse their school colors. Dedicated to the institution and the education it brings to its students, the primary responsibility of the Advancement director is to collect funds through fundraising campaigns and. AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; LFSF at a Glance. The LFIP is a school that belongs to the network of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urges children to get the COVID-19 vaccine and booster as soon as they are eligible. If it is weak (1~3 bars), please move closer to the router and try again. Ainsi, il recrute du personnel qualifié porteur des valeurs liées à son appartenance à l’AEFE mais également intéressé par les défis de la politique de développement mise en place par le comité de gestion et la direction. AEFE is a public actor, which, under the auspices of the French Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs, coordinates the network of French educational establishments abroad, commonly known as “Lycée. The compliance of the school’s curriculum is regularly checked by the. The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is an institution supervised by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. 60% of them are foreigners. AEFE Convention and French Program. Happy Play [age 1-3] La Petite Ecole, from age 2. Study Hall is held daily from 3:45pm to 4:30pm. Memphis Grizzlies, our own LFSF basketball stars got a chance to show their moves on the court of the SF cherished team! They were thrilled to experience what it feels like to play on a professional court, supported by the LFSF community. AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. It educates from kindergarten to terminal, but only includes a general bac (second general, first and terminal S, ES or L). there are 47 schools with. The Lycée is a member of the network of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), which is the largest school network in the world. Therefore, students not currently enrolled in a French or an AEFE school will be required to take placement exams to assess their ability to thrive in our program. The academic level of AEFE baccalauréat graduates is very high: success rate for baccalauréat is 97%. primary school; collÈge (middle school) lycÉe (high school) exams & qualifications; language policy; arts; sports; educational guidance; school life. It coordinates and supports nearly 522 schools in 139 countries. KIDS and TECH : INNOVATIVE. The accreditation with the AEFE is a seal of quality in terms of curricula, teaching objectives and organizational rules of the French education system. For this new edition of #HowWeGotThis, Amina MAINE, English Department Coordinator at LFSF, is giving her insights on the Educational Record Bureau (ERB) test in a multilingual environment and. S. Both are part of the Admissions. ALL ARE WELCOME. At the end of the event, the selected teams will have. By law, students who do not have a parent/guardian residing in the United States are required to pay tuition in full prior to obtaining his/her student U. Check the wireless signal strength of your network. Within the network, students can seamlessly pursue their education from one school to another school without having to take an entry examination bringing a significant level of flexibility to. AEFE network welcomes over 390,000. 2020-2021 is over: see #HowWeGotThis! Jul 14 2021. The newly revised Bac, introduced in 2021, is structured around:. The COVID pandemic has changed the world of education. The Lycée français international de Rangoun – Joseph Kessel (LFIR) is an establishment of French excellence, member of the AEFE network since the start of the 2016 academic year. ] Read More. AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. S. Now fully rested from their summer, they. CLOSED from July 17 to August 20. | The French International School of Bratislava (EFIB) offers a complete curriculum from Kindergarten to High school (2-18 years). It is accredited by the French Ministry of National Education, the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Math en Jeans 2019 @LFSF : we're ready! Mar 21 2019. Lycée Français International de Delhi is managed by the Parents’ Association, which signed an agreement with the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) in 2002. The Lycée offers all teaching cycles from Kindergarten (from 3 years old) to Terminale. Section of Excellence, a world first in the AEFE network of French high schools abroad. The AEFE gives students access to 500 schools in 139 countries that follow the same philosophy and curriculum. The Lycée Français of Lusaka is part of the largest international network of schools in the world with over 550 establishments in 139 countries. Schools. AEFE Covid19 LFSF Sausalito. President: Chris ALLEXANDRE. This year, the bilingual school welcomes Alejandra NAVARRO as its new DEIJ Director. Preschool curriculum. It prepares our multilingual students for universities across the world, but is before and foremost an excellent preparation for U. AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. Each of our primary campus has a library rich of many books, magazines, newspapers, and DVDs in French and English. The ‘Option Internationale du Baccalauréat’ (OIB) is also impacted. (415) 661-5232. Introducing #HowWeGotThis, a series of articles, where the LFSF teams. Rochambeau proudly hosts a visit from Mission laïque française (MLF) This week Rochambeau welcomed a delegation from Mission laïque française (MLF), a worldwide network of schools with French programs that we joined this year in addition to our participation in the AEFE network. The first class will start on September 02, 2021 and will be composed of 26 athletes (boys and girls) born mostly in 2006. AGORA Monde AEFE / Studyrama Mark the date! Friday 22 and Saturday 23 January Dear parents of troisième, seconde, première and terminale, In this unique year, the current health situation unfortunately does not allow students and their families to meet and discuss with the heads of higher education establishments. Dear Families, On the eve of our 2022 LFSF back to school day for most students, I am charged with positive energy! Over the last couple of weeks, I have been meeting and working with new or returning faculty and staff members who have been finding their way back to campus. XLFSF is designed to inspire students to practice sports on a regular basis and notice the benefits of their practice on their level of endurance. It is. Simple and readable, the Common Base programs promote the success of all students and the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching. S. The program, offered exclusively on the Sausalito campus, is the ideal way to gently prepare for preschool. Why ACIS Accreditation Matters. They make it possible to follow a quality education with an international dimension, driven by the requirement of French-style education and open to the host country, Nigeria in […]The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is a government institution supervised by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This support encourages the presence of. The Bilingual Coloring Book. The MLF is a non-profit. AGORA MONDE brings. Based in 137 countries, the AEFE’s network of 500 schools is a major asset when it comes to supporting French businesses abroad and developing France’s attractiveness. The new french Baccalauréat The French Baccalauréat is undergoing a major reform, with both the general and technological pathways being affected. The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is a government institution supervised by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. 2021 DEIJ Parent Workshop : the Follow up Jun 8 2021. Site Map. AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. Book fairs are held during the school year to provide easy access to parents to a curated selection of. The AEFE, which operates. The Lycée Français du Caire is an establishment belonging to the network of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE). Congratulations to Chiara who has been selected to be part of the AEFE orchestra with about 70 other students from all around the world! Chiara will be now looking forward to participating in rehearsals in February at the Lycée Français in Vienna in Austria, and will perform in concert on April 25 in the prestigious auditorium of Radio France in. The Board of Directors generally meets monthly and has several standing committees which meet regularly and report to the Board. Bridge Class exists in many schools of the AEFE network (Agency for French Education Abroad). Learning Disabilities Awareness Month Oct 12 2021. LFSF students. AGORA is: A directory: search for former students. VISIT US VIRTUALLY. CoderZ League: LFSF World Champion!! So proud of our students who won yesterday the 2021 CoderZ Pro World Competition! A big shout out to the team GODOT: Jules DELAHAYE, Christopher MOLL, Samantha MOLL, Amicie KOSLOW, Esme LETARD and Isabella LU, who brilliantly passed the three phases of the competition. Her presentation will be followed by a signing session of her book that will be available for sale. languages is one of the priorities of the AEFE network, to “implement a coherent. They made new friends and enjoyed San Francisco. the AEFE Network. Founded in 1990, it is responsible for monitoring and managing the network of French schools abroad. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, it coordinates the large network of French. Vice President: Katia BLOOM. French-American Schools (k-12) are part of a worldwide network of over 495 international schools with French curriculum in 137 countries (AEFE network). A COVID vaccine is available for children age 5 and up, and boosters are now authorized for those 12 years and older. LFS signed a convention with the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) which operates a network of 522 schools in the world. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. LFSF@ Sausalito : A local reference for more than 50 years. The American international section was created. The AEFE network welcomes 370,000 pupils and students and guarantees them access to education excellence all over the world. JEANS event took place on Friday MAY 21, 2021 from 9. Students who learn another language show. The intention is to make it possible to double the number of students enrolled in the French education network abroad by 2030, a desire expressed by Macron on the Journée de la Francophonie on March 20 of. We offer these 45 minutes of homework assistance in French and English (5 students max for Gr1-2 students; 8 students max for Gr3-5 students). On aefe. Outgoing President : Ilene LEDERMAN. The University of California received over 200,000 applications, for a ~20% increase overall in applications. Lycée Calgary students can enjoy a trimester or a year abroad in AEFE schools around the globe. On June 01, LFSF was celebrating its first Gr8 graduation in the Théâtre Erick MOREAU: a memorable moment shared by proud parents, teachers and administrators! The event was launched in music, with the beautiful performance of Gr9 Chiara CELIK, selected to represent our school in the Orchestra of the Lycées francais. XLFSF is not a race. Founded in 1983, the French School of Harare remains a real anchor in the dissemination of the French language and culture in Zimbabwe and of French education. PTA and contact information. Each year, LFS organizes a Science Week, an initiative shared by all French schools throughout the world within the AEFE network. 2023-2024 | SCHOOL TUITION FEES. Note that based. The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is a government institution supervised by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are so very proud of them! PHOTOSAidann is a Lifer. "Détaché" from French Education Nationale. The AEFE is the guarantor of the French education system abroad. @ Kezar Stadium for K to Gr5 (ASH + SAU) and Gr6 students XLFSF is an annual endurance run designed to inspire students to practice sports on a regular basis and notice the benefits on their practice on their endurance level. The LFSF digital literacy task force aims to provide our community of students, teachers and parents the tools and resources to best manage the growing use of screens. We met with Matthieu Schavsinski, one of the Math teachers leading the organization of this major event, and. 30 am to 1pm, online and live on YouTube. Ambassadeurs ambassadrices en herbe. The AEFE is the guarantor of the French education system abroad. All experts agree: to optimize bilingualism, it is advised to start your child’s linguistic immersion early. The rationale behind the reform is to:The AEFE is also fully committed to promoting the French educational model, in order to develop the French education network abroad. 5 students represented LFSF in the North American Finals of Ambassadeur en herbe, in Washington DC, this week. Provide a high-quality sports program that provides training to improve students’ athletic skills, and encourages students to discover new sports they love. This new video series tells the many (love) stories of our community, those from students, but also from the adults who surround them. This 6th edition will give students new opportunities to discover, reflect, exchange and express themselves on the arts as the AEFE places the 2017-2018 school year under the banner of arts and cultural education. Their high. Words from the Head of School. The LFIR follows this highly regarded curriculum, adapted to suit a multicultural, multilingual environment. AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. G POISSON Mar 10 2021. #HowWeGotThis | Faculty | A-L BREDEHOFT Apr 7 2021. This network welcomes more than 365,000 students, 60% of whom are foreign students. Sausalito Currents | Sept 2019. In addition to remaining a member of the AEFE network, and to ensure Rochambeau’s continued strength based on an accredited French curriculum and French language and culture, the Board has mandated its Executive Committee to begin negotiations with the Mission Laïque Française (MLF). The Agency for French Education Abroad, or Agency for French Teaching Abroad,[1] , is a national public agency under the administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France that assures the quality of schools. AEFE NETWORK What makes Lycée Français of Lusaka different. At the LFSF, it starts with La Petite Ecole that, from the age of 2, welcomes very young children. They provide special classes (called “CLIN”) for early beginners who are non-french speakers to learn French in a fast program of 10 months. Our selection offers of books per age category (3-6 years, 7-9 years, and 10-11 years). 2022 START'UP LYCEE Mar 24 2022. They are taking in charge 320 000 students, whith almost 115 000 French ones, according to latest informations from the AEFE. They make it possible to follow a quality education with an international dimension, driven by the requirement of French-style education and open to the host country, Nigeria in […]Situated in south Jakarta, the French school came into being under the initiative of parents in 1975. #HowWeGotThis | Faculty | A. She will talk about the unlikely success that can be achieved when taking the road of impossible and ending up. France is the only country that has made the choice to have such an extensive network of schools outside of its borders. Rochambeau is accredited ('Homologation") by the French. AEFE Network • Partners; LFSF Speaker Series; RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. With the built-in Apple Screen Time App, you can easily monitor usage, schedule downtime, and set limits on your child's LFSF school computer when at home. SMS Opt In By selecting yes, you are agreeing to receive SMS text messages from Rochambeau The French International School. Allows students to explore their bilingualism and pluriculturalism. A Bridge Class learning experience completed at LFS will be accepted in other AEFE schools, just as LFS acknowledges the Bridge. The theme of the 2023 prize selection is Coexisting. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The AEFE network welcomes more than 365,000 pupils and students and guarantees them access to education excellence all over the world. Music is her passion but she's also interested in Tech. Students from any French school within AEFE network are admitted without an. The AEFE runs most of the French education network abroad. From the past 10 years, LFSF students this year received record acceptances to UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD and UC Davis. Chinese New Year is taking place on FEB 12.